The brief for the 2009 LA Auto Show Design Challenge called for a vehicle for the year 2030 which could fulfill the needs of a generation who were brought up with cell phones, online communities and interactive gaming.
The V2G concept was Nissan's entry for the competition. While developing the purely theoretical concept, the designers came up with a story explaining how the vehicle was conceived.
"In the years leading up to 2030, the electrification of the nation's highways leads to the creation of a new ultra-efficient, high speed network called the 'GRID'.
Nissan's 'ON-GRID' compliant vehicle for the year 2030 is the V2G (Vehicle–to-Grid). Wildly popular with consumers thanks to its low cost, dynamic styling and quality construction, the V2G is the best selling electric vehicle of its time. Nissan's comprehensive and affordable range of GRID access plans (similar to mobile phone plans) have also helped to make V2G the market leader.
In the spirit of LA's legendary automotive counter-culture, creative young minds see untapped potential in the V2G. Taking advantage of the simple and user friendly EV architecture, they quickly hack the V2G, take it 'OFF-GRID' and begin to explore the virtually endless opportunities of this newly created vehicle segment.
Initially the modifications are simple body mods and performance tweaks, but it doesn't take long before a thriving and increasingly sophisticated cottage industry springs up around this explosive new car culture. Nissan is quick to see the potential in this field and begins to offer many new and exciting 'Plug and Play' options to consumers through its network.
The V2G [UNLMTD] is born."
One of the cleverest features of the V2G concept is the biodegradable carbon fibre bodywork. When the vehicle has come to the end of its useful life, a specially engineered bacteria is used to break down the resin which binds together the carbon fibre. Once the carbon fibre is completely exposed it can be removed and recycled to help make a new V2G.